Did you know your organization’s printers can be a hole in your security posture?

Microsoft reports over 300 million fraudulent sign-in attempts to their cloud services every day—and according to the Ponemon Institute, the average person has at least five accounts with the same password.

When (not if) hackers crack the code on one of your passwords, they’ll have gained access to multiple accounts and devices—and it only takes one compromised account or legacy application (or device!) to trigger a data breach.

One example of IoT devices whose security is often overlooked are network-connected printers. Many organizations aren’t vigilant about printer security, even though smart printers are accessible via the internet and connected to your network. This results in a potentially significant vulnerability in your security posture.You need printer security to safeguard sensitive data

If your staff (or you) share passwords across multiple platforms, a compromised login to print password could turn up the password for data-rich user devices or even IT admin credentials. And hackers take advantage of gateways like these to access your home or business network.

Office and remote staff are printing sensitive data—and some printers actually store copies of data in their memory. Because of this, utilizing common printer ports, protocols, and unsecured or outdated printers make you a vulnerable target.

With an unprecedented number of hybrid workers, printers connected to networks and other organizational assets are increasingly becoming a target for malicious attacks.

You need a printing solution to address the unique security challenges that 21st-century printing (and attackers) pose. With built-in security and layered resiliency, we’ll help your organization:

  • Maximize security
  • Safeguard endpoints
  • And maintain security compliance


  • Blocking unauthorized print jobs
  • Safeguarding confidential information
  • And preventing access to connected devices and networks

Discover how you can protect your sensitive data (and documents!) with secure printing solutions from HP.

“Those who don’t may learn the hard way that malicious hackers may not stop…They may use access to printers to gain a foothold on a network and launch more sophisticated attacks.”

Don’t become a hub for hackers–discover how your org can optimize your security posture with secure printing solutions from HP.

It isn’t easy to know where to start and what to look for when optimizing your IT infrastructure. That’s why at CTComp, we’re proud to be an HP Amplify Partner—it enables us to make it easier for our clients to do their business. HP solutions align closely with our advocacy that organizations adopt a technology roadmap to have a clear path to thrive in today’s landscape and for years to come. If you feel like your IT infrastructure is too important to leave to chance, trust CTComp to ensure that you have a true technology partner.